Moving Learning Forward

QR Codes, Whoppers and Learning

Written by Lynne McNamee | Apr 27, 2020 8:24:43 PM

Burger King is showing QR codes on tv for free products. How does this relate to corporate Learning?

Some positive reinforcement for people making massive changes in a short period of time is a good practice. Burger King is doing this with their product. They benefit because they get great data about who is watching when...and able to isolate who in the household (because of the phone) beyond what a click on a website might be able to provide (which is household, not person, specific). 

They are also running a promotion to have people use their phone to take pictures of their video calls, then share to be entered into a contest.

[Ok...this is one of my major pet peeves, I admit. You can use the "Print Screen" button or other techniques to take a screen shot folks!]

It is assumed they are trying to reinforce a way to have food be social with friends again. Personally - I have a number of data privacy concerns.

From a corporate learning perspective, though, I think there are some ideas we could leverage.

  • For company newsletters, are we capturing any of these video calls? Are we democratizing our corporate hierarchies by showing everyone in equal size boxes, so that everyone feels equally important? 
  • Are we encouraging cross-functional interactions? Think about the Pixar lobby, which was designed to encourage people interacting across departments and projects. If we aren't deliberate, while in isolation, that won't happen. Now, more than ever, we need to encourage cross-pollination of ideas. Let the video tools we're using in earnest help foster that.
  •  QR codes are pointless if someone is already online...just have a hyperlink. But what if we promoted sharing what we are doing when not on our computers? While respecting and protecting privacy, can we use this time to learn more about hobbies, and interests? Can we help connect people who want to learn, say, Italian, with native speakers? Support a company virtual orchestra?
  • Similar to the QR codes, could we create a place for folks to submit photos to earn points showing things that reinforce lessons we're promoting, or practicing good hand washing or memes around following security procedures.

Be creative about ways to connect In Real Life with the Digital world. QR codes, photos of non-technology efforts, reinforcing people as thinking, engaging, inspiring beings outside of their working capacity. Don't give up on culture now. Now, more than ever, is the time to reinforce how the company - the people working at the company - value one another.

What do you think?