Touch the Armadillo

Office Organization for the Professional

Written by Lynne McNamee | January 4, 2011 at 3:30 PM

Here's my entry, as appears on The Toilet Paper Blog

 3 Golden Rings

3 ring binders are the key to efficiency. It's easy to store everything related to a project, easy to archive, easy for other people to find what they need if I'm out of the office, easy to show one's boss and impress him/her. All the details are at your fingertips, with tab dividers in the place of file folders. Things also don't fall out like in folders. Plus, being open on the shelf (with a neatly printed label on the spine), it makes a good first impression!


What are your suggestions for being more organized in the new year?  Any tried & true tricks?


Also, any suggestions for applications for managing to do lists?  I'm forever on a quest of the ultimate solution.

I have an iPad (of course!) and was thinking perhaps an iPad app.  Reviews, though, are all over the place.  I tried QuickBooks customer manager, but that didn't work as I needed it to.  Google tasks isn't great, but as I have a Droid, the integration is good.




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