


Talent Gaps and Digital Transformation

Many CEOs carry the lone pressure in their companies of the full impact of digital transformation and how to make sure they can meet the talent gaps that transformation will...is introducing.

HR and/or Learning and Development departments carry much of burden of executing plans. Many argue that 'with the right Learning Management System' (or Learning Experience Platform or....or...) they will be able to better engage learners to meet those demands. It is important that an LMS properly aligns with your business objectives and how your employees actually work in the real world.

Of more importance, though, is tapping into the motivations of your employees so that they want to grow and to believe that what they do makes a difference. This is what will lead to actual change.

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Flipping the Model

By flipping the model, we can start achieving measurable and meaningful results. Rather than assume employees go to the LMS first thing each day and throughout the day, we fill the gap of driving people to the LMS and training opportunities, similar to how marketers drive people to websites, TV shows and venues.

With 10,000+ marketing messages a day, your employees are conditioned to respond to certain kinds of communications. Let's use that conditioning to encourage the behavior you, their boss, wants to see.

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